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What is an Active Client?

Subscriptions active before December 12, 2023 count Active Clients. We have since changed to Client Licenses.

All plans will eventually transition to Client Licenses. If you would like to switch to Client Licenses now (How do Client Licenses work?) please contact success@unyte.com.


What is an Active Client?

An Active client is a user who listens to at least 30 minutes of any SSP program within a billing month. Once they hit the 30 minute mark they become active for that billing cycle.,therefore you could have 30 current clients yet only 5 are active listeners. 


How many Active Clients do I get?

An SSP subscription includes 5 active clients per billing cycle. There are no limits to the number of clients you can add. Once you have more than 5 active clients in a billing cycle you are charged $10 per additional active client that month. 


How can I monitor how many Active Clients I have?

We report this number to you on your MyUnyte dashboard so that you can be aware of the number of active clients you have at any given time. You can manage your active clients using your dashboard and the Suspend function. Suspend bars a client's access to the app ensuring clients can't listen without your knowledge. 

*Please note that if you suspend an active client during a particular billing cycle they still are part of your active count until a new billing cycle begins. Once a new billing cycle begins you will have 0 active clients again* Please see this article for more information on suspending access: What is the difference between 'Archive' and 'Suspend' in the Client dashboard?


This video details how active client charges might look in a clinic