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What is the Difference Between 'Archive' and 'Suspend' in the Client Dashboard?

When a client's name is selected in the CLIENTS dashboard, several options appear in the drop-down to help Providers manage clients. Two of those options are 'Archive' and 'Suspend'


ARCHIVE: is a way for Providers to manage their list of clients. To reduce the clients visible on the 'Client' list, click 'Archive Client'.  Archive only moves a client off of the current Client list.  It does not impact that client's access to the app. To see clients on the 'Archive' list, toggle the 'Show Archived' button. This will change the view to be only those clients on the 'Archive' list. To move a client back to the 'Client' list, click 'Unarchive Client' under that client's name.


SUSPEND: ends a client's ability to access the app. This option is only available for clients who have been "invited" and have their own username and password for the app. Suspended clients can be on either the Client list or the Archived list. To unsuspend a client, click the red 'Unsuspend Client' under that client's name.


If you want to suspend a client's access and remove them from your client list, you must both 'Archive’ AND 'Suspend’ a client. There is no option to delete a client.