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I want to send an assessment but don’t want to enable access to any Unyte programs

The most efficient and effective way to send an assessment is through a client's MyUnyte account. You can restrict remote access to the music of a program by not assigning any programs to them. Once the client completes the assessment, the results are available for your review from the ‘Assessments’ tab.  Click on the client’s name in this list to see ‘View Assessment’


  1. Sign in to my.unyte.com with your provider email
  2. Choose ‘Clients’ from the menu on the left
  3. Click ‘Add Client’
  4. Select ‘Yes’ when asked to enable Remote Delivery
  5. Add email address, first and last name
  6. Leave all programs unchecked
  7. ‘Add Client’

* Please note - your client must first accept their MyUnyte invitation and create their account before you can send the assessment. If a client account is already created without an email address simply select the name from your list of clients and choose ‘Manage Remote Delivery’ - add an email address and submit. 


For more information on Assessments please see: Administering an Assessment through MyUnyte