This is a detailed article on Client Licenses. It is applicable for SSP, RRP, and ILS (Focus) subscriptions.
For a succinct overview see ‘Overview of Client Licenses’. Note: Only certified providers with an active subscription have access to deliver Unyte programs
- Your subscription includes a package of ‘Available’ Client Licenses
- The first time a program is enabled for a new client, the Client License is 'Assigned'
- Once the listener completes their first listening session, the License is ‘In Use’ or ‘Activated’
- A License is effective for 12 months
- A license can be re-assigned until it is ‘In Use’.
- When a subscription is canceled, licenses are removed.
Once a license has been activated, You can enable and disable program access as necessary through the twelve month license period, with no additional licenses required for this client.
How many Client Licenses do I get?
Each annual product subscription includes 25 client licenses per year.
The 3 month (trial) subscription includes 6 client licenses per 3 month period. The trial subscription is only available for the SSP.
Note: licenses are specific to each product, that is, SSP licenses are only for SSP clients and ILS licenses are only for ILS clients.
What if I need more licenses?
Additional licenses can be purchased for $25 each in MyUnyte by clicking STORE and selecting Client Licenses. Purchased licenses never expire until they're assigned and in use with a client. The license is then effective for 12 months or until the subscription is canceled.
How do I use Client Licenses?
Assign Program to In-Person Client
When you assign a program to an in-person client:
- A license will automatically be assigned to this client when you enable the program.
- If you do not have any Available licenses, you will be prompted to purchase an additional license before being able to assign a program.
Assign Program to Remote Client
When you assign a program to a remote client:
- A license will automatically be assigned to this client when you enable the program.
- If you do not have any available licenses, you will be prompted to purchase an additional license before being able to assign a program.
Can I reassign a Client License?
If a client has not listened to their enabled program you can unassign the license to be made available for another client. To do so, locate the client within your Client list and select Manage Delivery → disable the programs → Submit
Suspending a client that has a client license ‘Assigned’ but not in-use, will also automatically remove the assigned license.You can identify if a license is assigned to a client based on the tag in the Programs column next to the client's name. The gray "SSP - Not Started" indicates a license is assigned but not in use, and can be unassigned. The green "SSP" indicates a license is assigned and in use, so it can not be unassigned.
Note: client program access is still subject to your management as you enable/disable access to the program over the 12 month period. In addition, you must have an active subscription.
How can I monitor how many Client Licenses I have?
From the ‘Client’ page in MyUnyte, you’ll see a running count of Available Licenses in the upper right corner. Click ‘More Details’ to see a complete breakdown of Available and Assigned licenses.
View Assigned Licenses
When a license is assigned to a client and the client HAS NOT begun listening, the program name appears greyed out with a “Not Started” badge.
If you expand the client record, you can see details of the client’s license and will see that it is “Assigned” but not yet “In Use”.
In this state, if you disable the program before the client listens, the client’s licenses will be automatically returned to your Available licenses.
View Used Licenses
Once a client listens to an enabled program, the license is marked as “In Use” and:
- The client’s program status appears green with a number of how many programs are assigned to that client, and
- If you expand the client’s record, you can see the details of the used license
Using Client Filters to View License Information
You can filter the Client view to see clients’ various license states:
Filter by “Assigned” license
Filter by “In Use” license
What happens when my subscription renews?
When your subscription renews, any unused licenses automatically expire. Upon renewal, you are issued a new set of licenses. For example, if you are on an annual subscription plan you will get a new set of 25 licenses when your subscription plan renews.
What happens to my In Use licenses when my subscription renews?
Once a client license is In Use, that license is valid for 12 months for that client. When your subscription renews, nothing happens to your In Use licenses, as each In Use License has its own expiration date. No action is required.
What happens to my Assigned licenses when my subscription renews?
For each client with an Assigned license (license assigned but has not listened yet) at the time of subscription renewal, the assigned license is automatically replaced with a new license. No action is required.
If, at the time of subscription renewal, you do not have any available licenses to re-assign, you will be notified via email.
What happens when an In Use license expires?
An In Use license expires 12 months after a client completes their first listening session.
If a program is still assigned to a client 5 days before license expiry, you will receive an email alerting you to verify/ensure that the client’s program assignment is desired/correct If correct, no action is required.
If the program is still assigned at the time of license expiry, we will automatically assign a license to that same client from your Available licenses. This newly Assigned license will only be In Use if the client continues listening, otherwise, you can disable the program access and free up that license.
If you do not have any Available licenses, you will receive an email informing you that a client with an In Use license and enabled program no longer has a license. If you want the client to continue listening you will need to purchase an additional license for this client.
If you have any questions, email our Client Success team at